Magnifico Curiosity

Caesar salad & JULY 4TH!
Jul 04, 2020
The creator of this famous salad was italian immigrant Caesar Cardini, who first made it on July 4th in the early 1920s.
Finally, It's ESTATE!
Jul 01, 2020
We call it “Estate” aka Summer, the best season of the year! We Italians literally love this period because it means sun, beaches, relaxation, and indulging in a lot of aperitivi with family and friends! 
Tomatoes & Italy, a Red Love Story
Jun 28, 2020
Why did the tomato tradition flourish in Italy more than in any other European country? Perhaps for the warm climate, the perfect soil, the generosity of our sun, water and air. We don’t have an answer....
When Outside is Hot, Stay Cool at the Table!
Jun 26, 2020
When Summer comes, Italy start to burn. Like the change of the wardrobe, as soon as the winter time is over, Italians change most of the dishes on the table. We have many cold recipes that over the years became a summer time go-to. In this article we suggest three iconic dishes.
Speak the Way You Eat!
Jun 22, 2020
It is no mystery that Italians love to talk. We talk a lot, and, usually, we do it loudly and using our hands! One of our favorite topics of conversation is food, of course. In fact, Italian is rife with food-related expressions. Food is a paradigm of life! Let’s learn some funny Italian sayings!
Little ITALY Around the World
Jun 20, 2020
If you hear “Ciao Bella, come stai?” (or bello, if you are a man) and smell garlic in the street, but you are not in the Stivale, or the boot, as we call our country, there is a good chance you have ended up in one of the many Little Italy around the United States.