Fregola Tostata Pasta 17.6 Oz
Originally from Sardinia, this artisan pasta shape is made only with durum wheat semolina and water by "rubbing" the semolina in a large earthenware basin, where a mixture of water and saffron is sprinkled (which gives the wonderful intense yellow color) and where "by hand" these irregularly shaped balls of semolina are made and then toasted in the oven.
The traditional recipe calls for Fregola cooked with clams or seafood risotto with lemon zest or with turnip greens, cherry tomatoes, garlic and Parmigiano Reggiano; alternatively it is possible to season this characteristic format with roasted courgettes, cherry tomatoes and Rustichella d'Abruzzo Extra Virgin Olive Oil flavored with Chilli.
Durum wheat semolina, water
It's always pasta time! Express yourself and mix it/top it/season it with everything you like! We have a huge selection of sauces perfect to be combined with pasta, check our Recipe blog section for many pasta ideas!
Rustichella d'Abruzzo is the italian premium brand of artisan pasta in 70 countries in the world.
In 1924 Gaetano Sergiacomo, maternal grandfather of the current owners Gianluigi and Maria Stefania Peduzzi and son of famous millers who worked in the Vestina area, decided to exit the family business, establishing the pasta factory "Pastificio Gaetano Sergiacomo" in Penne. In 1980 under the watchful and far-sighted eye of Piero Peduzzi, the Pastificio Sergiacomo becomes Rustichella d'Abruzzo, guaranteeing both quality and authenticity. The Peduzzi Siblings have concentrated their energies on creating the company's image and contributing to making the name of Rustichella d'Abruzzo as synonymous of international quality and excellence.
Since 1924 true family tradition, because to make a pasta is a family matter!