- 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into small/medium pieces.
- 3 tablespoons of Zucchi Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 clove garlic
- Lots of Montosco Rosemary
- Lots of Coelsanus grilled pitted olives
- Sea salt & Black Pepper
- Heat 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil in a large skillet over low-medium heat with the garlic.
- Add the chicken and let cook at medium heat for about 25 minutes until it becomes a little crispy on the outside. (Cover for half the time).
- Halfway through cooking add a pinch of salt & pepper, the rosemary and pour about 3/4 tablespoons of olives.
- Wait until the herbs and olives release their flavour for the rest of the cooking time.
- Serve and enjoy!