Magnifico Curiosity

Buon San Valentino!
Feb 14, 2021
Did you know that the history of the Day of love dates back to ancient Rome? Yes, we Italians - the universal experts of love - invented Valentine's Day, of course. Valentine of Terni is a Christian saint...
February 13 is National tortellini day!
Feb 13, 2021
Is February 13, National Tortellini Day: indulge in this delicious Italian stuffed pasta. This Italian pasta is famous worldwide. Traditionally the filling is a mix of meats with ham, mortadella, parmesan, and nutmeg.
Magnifico: We start from the tradition
Feb 11, 2021
It’s been a while now that we have been on this journey together. Post after post, we tried to bring you into the culture of our beautiful country. We did it, and we will continue to do it...
February 9 is National Pizza Day
Feb 09, 2021
It is one of the world's most popular foods. Pizza is not just another Italian delicatessen; it is a way of life! Who can live without pizza? The answer is simple: nobody! 
5 tips to cleanse after the Holiday indulgence
Jan 14, 2021
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve are over… but you feel guilty about overeating during these holidays. No worries. Here are 5 easy tips to get back on track.
Person of the month: Francesco Ciabattoni
Jan 08, 2021
Our person of the month for January, is professor Francesco Ciabattoni. He teaches Italian Literature in Georgetown College in Washington DC, and is specialist in medieval Italian literature.