Magnifico Curiosity

Do you like long or short pasta better? It’s an age old question, and everyone has a preference. However, even if you love both, you have to calibrate your choice to the recipe you plan on preparing.

Paccheri hail from beautiful Campania, the southern region nicknamed “Felix”- happy - by the ancient Romans. This pasta - made with durum wheat semolina - is a cornerstone of Neapolitan cuisine. The shape is large and cylindrical, cut in short pieces. Let’s be honest: paccheri are just oversized maccheroni ditalini!

According to a group of scientists (including Italian researchers from the University of Bologna), following the Mediterranean diet for twelve months can improve brain function and promote longevity. The diet also helps older people age healthily.

Going to an Italian restaurant is always a delicious experience. Spending time with Italians is undeniably fun. But you must remember the few things to avoid when you sit at a dining table with us.

If you love hot and spicy food, this is your recipe! From the beautiful Calabria region - the “toe of the Italian boot” - here comes ‘nduja, the absolute queen of southern salumi (alias salami)!