Magnifico Curiosity

Pasta is a fundamental element of Italian cuisine, available in countless shapes and sizes, each designed to pair perfectly with different sauces. Understanding the key differences between long and short pasta can help elevate your home-cooked meals.

We divide pasta into two categories: long and short, for example spaghetti or penne. But this distinction is only the beginning! If you tried out all possible shape and sauce combinations, you would be able to eat a different pasta dish every day for a year! Of course, not all types of pasta are equally popular, and some shapes are more common than others.

Grab your fork! If you love pasta but haven't cooked linguine, give it a try on September 15th! Do you have a favorite linguine dish? Cook it today in honor of National Linguine Day!

September 9th is a unique, holy holiday for foodies. We celebrate life's most wonderful pleasure. Try a new dish or make your favorites of the occasion, but always be careful about the quality of the ingredients you buy!

This kind of pasta can be stored someplace cool and dry. You could store your pasta in your pantry, for example. Be sure to avoid the refrigerator. You don't want your dry pasta to absorb humidity...