Magnifico Curiosity

Zuppa Fave & Cicoria, a Delicious and Healty Soup
Mar 17, 2020
This fava bean and chicory soup is very similar to macco Siciliano, a soup of mashed fava beans. In fact, Zuppa Fave e Cicoria is part of a vast southern Italian tradition of bean and vegetable soups. Invented in the Puglia region, this dish combines the sweetness of creamy fava beans with bitter chicory.
Feb 24, 2020
It is the biggest winter feast, a triumph of masquerades, music, parades and elaborate costumes. Carnevale – the Italian Mardi Gras - traditionally takes place 40 days before Easter. Italians celebrate Martedi Grasso - Fat Tuesday
The Discovery of AMERICA Changed European and ITALIAN Cuisine Forever
Oct 09, 2019
Christopher Columbus’ landing in the Americas on October 12, 1492 was a watershed moment for European cuisine. The Italian explorer encountered new people, new cultures, new landscapes, and special types of food that he and his crew had never seen before. They couldn’t even fathom the taste of tomatoes or cocoa beans.