Magnifico Curiosity
It was funny to read for Italians that at some point, there was a shortage of this pasta in the United States. From New York to Chicago, all grocery stores were left without...
This kind of pasta can be stored someplace cool and dry. You could store your pasta in your pantry, for example. Be sure to avoid the refrigerator. You don't want your dry pasta to absorb humidity...
It is like in life: everything can be easy or difficult; it depends on approaching it. Same with spaghetti. It is one of the most loved and famous dishes in the world, many try to prepare it, but nobody can make it as Italians do.
We all know what is and we all know its flavor. It’s pasta, one of the first words an Italian kid learns how to say. It is typically known that pasta is one of the Italian food people like the most...
Pasta is like an hamburger, a bagel, they don’t taste all the same. Anyone can make a bowl of pasta, but it requires effort and knowledge to choose the pasta shape that can transform an every day lunch into a memorable experience.