Magnifico Curiosity
It can be really challenging, but that doesn't mean it's impossible! We can definitely eat healthy during this season. Especially if you choose the Italian way!
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve are over… but you feel guilty about overeating during these holidays. No worries. Here are 5 easy tips to get back on track.
After all day and night eating turkey and amazing stuffing, let’s add in some serious carbs! Infact, You will need a lot of energy if you are a Black Friday lover and you are planning to spend hours shopping around the city to find the best deals.
The creator of this famous salad was italian immigrant Caesar Cardini, who first made it on July 4th in the early 1920s.
Pasta, lasagna, risotto, sausages, cotechino, pandoro, panettone…these are all delicious staples of the Italian holiday season. But now that Santa’s gone and we have to head back to work, our bodies need to detox!