Magnifico Curiosity
Cooking without salt or at least decreasing its quantity does not mean to renounce to taste. Here we give you some pieces of advice. You can lower the use of salt without sacrificing flavor...
After we had a 2020 full of difficulties, the whole world rests its hopes in this new year. To keep away bad luck, superstitious people have thought of everything, including at the table, playing around with all the legendary meanings of food....
Every year we complain that summer is too short and the time flies too fast. In Italy, thinking about this difficult time with the pandemic, we can say that we were pretty lucky...
Do you feel tired during the cold winter months? Eating the right kinds of food is critical. The ancient Greek patron of doctors, Hippocrates, encourages you to "let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” Did you know that some foods can support and strengthen your body?
Easy, delicious. Who couldn't love bruschetta? Here are some simple and quick recipes to unleash your inner chef!
It is the authentic Italian green treasure. The iconic pesto, the King of all the green sauces, is the classic basil “Pesto Genovese” after Genova, a spectacular coastal city in the northwestern region of Liguria. Pesto is the second most sold sauce in the world. It should be served rigorously cold.