Magnifico Curiosity

Explore 6 Traditional Italian Breads
Jun 12, 2024
Italy boasts a millennia-old culinary tradition, rich in flavors and nuances that unfold in a thousand ways. Among its excellences, a place of honor undoubtedly belongs to bread, a fundamental element of the Mediterranean diet and the undisputed protagonist of our tables.
World Bread Day: bread is more than food
Oct 17, 2022
Bread is a metaphor for life, peace, and sharing. Italians cannot sit at the table without bread. Magnifico suggests the best flours to make it at home. It's so easy!
Ten delicious ways to enjoy jam
Nov 21, 2021
There are infinite ways to enjoy your favorite jam or marmalade. Here are some ideas...
National I Love Food Day: what to pay attention to when grocery shopping
Sep 09, 2021
September 9th is a unique, holy holiday for foodies. We celebrate life's most wonderful pleasure. Try a new dish or make your favorites of the occasion, but always be careful about the quality of the ingredients you buy! 
Bad luck? Use this natural ingredients!
Feb 16, 2021
After we had a 2020 full of difficulties, the whole world rests its hopes in this new year. To keep away bad luck, superstitious people have thought of everything, including at the table, playing around with all the legendary meanings of food....
Panini VS Sandwiches
Sep 15, 2020
Both panini and sandwiches are an important part of Italian and American culture, and, while “sandwich” is the American word for “panino,” the Italian and American preparations do have some slight differences.