Magnifico Curiosity

National Pasta Day
Oct 17, 2020
Pasta is like an hamburger, a bagel, they don’t taste all the same. Anyone can make a bowl of pasta, but it requires effort and knowledge to choose the pasta shape that can transform an every day lunch into a memorable experience. 
Jul 19, 2020
Summer is no time to spend all day cooking: the season means vacations, trips, walks in the park, a day at the beach, or a picnic with friends and family. It’s time to eat outside with adequate precautions and social distancing. 
BRUSCHETTA, The Classic Italian Antipasto
May 17, 2020
Easy, delicious. Who couldn't love bruschetta? Here are some simple and quick recipes to unleash your inner chef!
Parmigiano Reggiano vs Grana Padano
May 14, 2020
Do you know the differences between Italy's most famous cheeses? What is the difference between Parmigiano Reggiano [parmiˈdʒaːno redˈgʒaːno] and Grana Padano [ˈɡraːna paˈdaːno]?
Apr 22, 2020
It is the authentic Italian green treasure. The iconic pesto, the King of all the green sauces, is the classic basil “Pesto Genovese” after Genova, a spectacular coastal city in the northwestern region of Liguria. Pesto is the second most sold sauce in the world. It should be served rigorously cold.
Do You Know How to Make “Passata di Pomodoro”?
Feb 22, 2020
Homemade fresh tomato purée is a tradition. If you live in the South of Italy, the end of summer means only one thing: it is “passata di pomodoro” time! Homemade fresh tomato purée is a tradition that many families carry on to this day.